The Lansing Area Skywarn group covers Ingham, Clinton and parts of Eaton county/Delta Township. The Ingham County AEC for Skywarn is Ron Harger (WD8BCS).

Our primary Skywarn frequency is the 145.390 repeater with a PL tone of 100hz! Our primary backup repeater is the 146.940(-) repeater with a PL of 100.0Hz.

You can also access our Skywarn nets on 147.280 (Lansing) and 444.575 (Dansville) courtesy of the CMEN Network.

2025 In Person Training April 5th

Ingham County / Lansing Area Skywarn training by the National Weather Service will be held on: Saturday, April 5th, 2025

10am to noon at:
McLaren Greater Lansing Event Center
3101 Discovery Dr., Suite 200 (door 15)
Lansing, MI 48910

Image of building entrance
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Registration Link

Please register for this training HERE.

The 2025 venue’s seating is limited to 150 people. We are asking for those interested to be pre-register for this training. We ask that you only register if you are planning to attend so that we can have an accurate head count. In the event that there are more than 150 people who show up for this training, preference will be given to those who have pre-registered and arrived by 10am.

Alternate Training

If you were not able to attend this or another training, there are other options available:

For those that cannot attend in person, online training can be accessed at the following website: Met Ed Course

More information about online Skywarn Spotter training can be found here:

Grand Rapids NWS Spotter Training Page

You can also check out some videos at the Grand Rapids National Weather Service youTube Page here:


Web Resources

Storm Prediction Center

Grand Rapids NWS

GRR NWS Weather Story

Skywarn Net Conditions

We have recently adopted a three condition net system. If you are unfamiliar with this, please look below to familiarize yourself with it!

Condition Green:

Click to expand! A severe weather watch has been issued for Ingham County -or- a warning has been issued for any county within 75 miles of Ingham County and is expected to impact Ingham county.
Amateur traffic is allowed under condition green. Transmissions need to be kept short so that information about the weather may be read by net control, and the net can be quickly upgraded if conditions warrant.

Condition Yellow:

Click to expand! A Severe weather warning is issued for Ingham County or any adjacent county and is expected to impact Ingham County, or severe weather is imminent and approaching Ingham County.
Under condition yellow it is a directed net and all traffic must go through net control. Spotters should only turn in severe weather reports. Check-ins of Skywarn spotters are allowed. All transmissions should be precise and brief (but don't speed up the message, for it may necessitate repeating of the information).

Condition Red:

Click to expand! Severe weather is directly impacting Ingham County, a wall cloud, shelf cloud, funnel cloud, tornado, -and or- significant rotation have been sighted in Ingham County.
Under condition red it is a directed net and all traffic must go through net control. No routine check-ins are allowed. Priority reports of downed electrical lines, the location of a funnel cloud or tornado -and or- life threatening damages or injuries are the ONLY reports to be given under condition red. Remember to use the TEL (Time-Event-Location) format with reports. All other reports should be saved and reported when the net is in condition Yellow or Green. Make sure to keep all transmissions brief and to speak slowly enough for an accurate copy!

Storm Prediction Center Active Radar (please refresh)

SPC Active Radar